
  Emotion looks the same whether you’re a suburban housewife or a suicide bomber. The truth is written on all our faces.
  When you scratch your chin, wring your hands, wrinkle your nose, or swallow too much, Dr. Cal Lightman knows you’re lying. He doesn’t just think so, he knows so, because he’s taken his exceptional skills of observation to become the foremost deception expert in the country. Being a human lie detector, Cal can uncover the deepest secrets and crack the hardest cases. More accurate than any polygraph test, he knows when those in front of him are being less than forthcoming, be their family, friends, or complete strangers.
  Dr. Cal Lightman: Now, the FBI knows you want mass casualties. So right now ATF is searching every inch of the two largest black churches in the state. The FBI got it wrong. Well, there’s a shocker. It’s not one of those two churches. Maybe you want one of the smaller churches. One of the black suburbs.
  The Suspect: You don’t know what you’re talking about.
  Dr. Cal Lightman: Don’t respond! What do you say ATF starts with Southbridge? No, I’m only kidding. We’ll skip that one. We’re gonna focus on Lorton. You feel good about that? That’s it! Lorton! Going after a church in Lorton.
  别回应!ATF从南布里奇市开始搜如何?我开玩笑的啦,不搜南布里奇了。那集中搜查洛顿市吧?你觉得行吗?就这个! 洛顿市! 搜索洛顿市的教堂。
  Dr. Cal Lightman: The ATF found a pipe bomb in a church basement in Lorton an hour later.
  Someone: (whispered) DOD friend of mine said this guy’s a total nutjob. Heard he spent, like, three years in the African jungle with some primitive tribe studying their eyebrows.
  Dr. Cal Lightman: Watch his reaction to my statement. Right now, ATF is searching every inch of the two largest black churches in the state. Now what you just saw there was a brief expression of happiness on his face which he was trying his best to conceal. It lasted for less than a fifth of a second. It’s what we call a “microexpression.” Now, look at his mouth. The suspect is secretly happy about the locations we are searching, which tells me we have the wrong locations. Now I tell him of our new plan, and...(You don’t know what you’re talking about.)Classic one-sided shrug. Translation: “I’ve absolutely no confidence of what I just said.” The body contracts the words. He’s lying. Yeah?
  Someone: When you accuse the suspect, and he acts surprised, is there a way to tell if it’s real or if he’s just trying to look innocent?
  Dr. Cal Lightman (threw a glass to the wall suddenly): Now that’s real surprise. Lasts for less than a second when it comes across your face, but if your suspect is surprised for more than a second, he’s faking it. He’s lying. Now I call out his target is actually Lorton, and watch it again. Concealed scorn. One personal tip. You see this microexpression in your spouse’s face, your marriage is coming to an end. Trust me.