

Passage I


Chopsticks are the most distinctive eating tool on the Chinese dining table. The way we Chinese use our chopsticks is quite artistic and varies from person to person like one’s signature.

An average Chinese person can very easily pick up a tiny grain of rice, pea, or a slippery button mushroom or sea cucumber with a pair of chopsticks. Some are even able to pick up a piece of bean curd that crumbles easily.

Passage 2

没有登上长城就等于没有来过北京。长城绵延万里,虽然北京段长城最受游客青睐,但只是其中的一小部分。大家都想去八达岭,但我建议居庸关(Juyong Pass),没那么挤,景色也不比八达岭差。根据你的身体状况及个人喜好,你可以去爬陡峭的台阶,也可以在相对平坦的地方漫步。在那里,有许多拍照的绝佳地点。你要挑个晴朗的日子,这样你就可以看到最远处的烽火台(beacon tower)了。

Any visit to Beijing is incomplete without a hike on the Great Wall. However, the Wall is thousands of miles long and the Beijing section constitutes only a small part, despite the most touristy part. The popular choice is Badaling, but I recommend Juyong Pass, which is less crowded but no less spectacular. Depending on your health and preference, you can climb very steep steps or have a ramble on the relatively flat areas. There are numerous locations for great photo opportunities. You should pick a clear day to go when your eyes can reach the most remote beacon tower.

Passage 3

孔子是一位思想家、政治家,教育家,也是中国儒学(the Ru School)思想的创始人。儒学(Confucianism),这个道德和宗教哲学的大系统建立在孔圣人(Master Kung)的教学上。冯友兰,中


Confucius was a thinker, political figure, educator, and founder of the Ru School of Chinese thought. Confucianism, the great system of moral and religious philosophy,built upon the teachings of Master Kung. Fung You-lan, one of the great 20th century authorities on the history of Chinese thought, compares Confucius influence in Chinese history with that of Socrates in the West. The Ru School, with benevolence as the core of its thought, is the most important traditional culture of China and has been exerting far- reaching influence on China, Eastern Asia and the world.

Passage 4


开手机象征着我们与这个世界的联系。显然,手机反映出我们的“社交饥渴症”。(thirst for socialization)

The cell phone is a great invention. But obviously, It has altered the relationship among people. There is usually a notice on the door of the meeting room, which reads, “Please turn o ff your hand-set.” However, phones ring now and then when t he meeting goes on. We are but ordinary people and have few urgencies to tackle with. Nevertheless, we will not switch off our phones easily. Phones-on symbolizes our connecting with this world. Obviously, cell phone has been reflecting our “thirs t for socialization”.

Passage 5

中国新年是中国最重要的传统节日,在中国也被称为春节。新年的庆祝活动从除夕开始一直延续到元宵节(the Lantern Festi val) ,即从农历(lunar calendar)最后一个月的最后一天至新年第一个月的第十五天。各地欢度春节的习俗和传统有很大差异,但通常每个家庭都会在除夕夜团聚,一起吃年夜饭。为驱厄运、迎好运,家家户户都会进行大扫除。人们还会在门上粘贴红色的对联(couplets),对联的主题为健康、发财和好运。其他的活动还有


Chinese New Year is the most important traditional Chines e holiday. In China, it is also known as the Spring Festival. N ew Year celebrations run from Chinese New Year’s Eve, the la st day of the last month of the lunar calendar, to the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month. Customs and tradit ions concerning the celebration of the Chinese New Year vary widely from place to place. However, New Year’s Eve is usual ly an occasion for Chinese families to gather for the annual re union dinner. It is also traditional for every family to thorough ly clean the house in order to sweep away ill fortune and to b ring in good luck. And doors will be decorated with red coupl ets with themes of health, wealth and good luck. Other activiti es include lighting firecrackers, giving money in red envelopes, and visiting relatives and friends.