
  飞利浦(中国)投资有限公司 Philips (China) Investment Co.,Ltd.查看招聘中的职位>>公司行业: 多元化业务集团公司公司性质: 外资(欧美)公司规模: 500人以上粉丝团(1988)取消关注荷兰皇家飞利浦电子公司是全球医疗保健、照明和优质生活领域的领导者,通过“精于心简于形”的品牌承诺,公司提供以人为本和创新的产品、服务和解决方案。总部位于荷兰的飞利浦公司在全球60多个国家拥有大约123,800名员工,其2007年的销售额达270亿欧元,在医疗诊断影像和病人监护系统、节能照明解决方案、针对个人健康舒适的优质生活解决方案等领域位居世界领先地位。公司拥有注册专利80,000项,充分显示了公司的创新本质。在当今世界,科技日益影响人们生活的方方面面,我们希望通过创新先进的、简单使用的并为满足人们需求而设计的产品,实现对消费者“精于心简于形”的承诺。飞利浦的产品早在1920年就进入了中国市场,从1985年设立第一家合资企业起,已建立了23家合资及独资业,共有14,000多名员工。目前,飞利浦在华累计投资总额已超过40亿美元。我们的使命飞利浦自身经历了很多次的变革,但是自始至终,公司的灵魂从未改变过。那是因为自1891年公司建立以来,我们的使命就已经是公司的一部分了,即:通过及时地推出有意义的创新来改善人们的生活质量。我们的愿景在当今人们生活的方方面面日益复杂化的世界里,我们力求把“精于心简于形”带给人们。品牌承诺我们通过“精于心简于形”的品牌承诺,使人们从创新中受益。这一品牌承诺概括了我们的决心,即提供创新先进、轻松体验和为使用者需求而设计的解决方案。愿景2010飞利浦正将自己转型成一家真正的以市场为导向、以人为本的公司。这包括在策略上加强公司在医疗保健、照明、优质生活领域的深入发展。作为“愿景2010”策略的一部分,飞利浦已经从2008年1月1日起建立起3大事业部以简化业务结构,它们是:飞利浦医疗保健、飞利浦照明和飞利浦优质生活。? “愿景2010”旨在通过更为明确的策略来加速公司的成长,专注于医疗保健、照明以及整合的优质生活三大业务领域。? “愿景2010”将飞利浦定位为一家以市场为导向、以人为本的公司,其业务结构完全符合消费者的需求。“愿景2010”确立了我们是一家集中于“医疗保健、照明和优质生活”3大领域的公司。? “愿景2010”宣布了飞利浦期望提高盈利水平,希望到2010年实现每股税前收入翻番。业务领域医疗保健我们通过关注病人和医护工作者来简化医疗保健。我们把对人的了解和临床专业相结合,致力于改善病人治疗的结果,并减轻医疗保健系统的负担。飞利浦既为医疗专业人士提供先进的解决方案,满足病人的需求;同时也向消费者提供他们在医院或者家庭中均能负担得起的医疗保健。主要产品:256-排Brilliance iCT机、综合性介入手术室、Avaion FM 20 & FM 30 重症监护仪、周边环境体验核磁共振和CT系统、飞利浦Lifeline个人急救警报服务。照明作为全球照明的领先者,飞利浦正在努力推动整个社会向高效节能解决方案的转换。由于照明占用全球电力消耗的19%,因此高效节能照明的使用将大大地减少世界范围的能源消耗,并且降低有害的二氧化碳的排放。飞利浦为所有领域提供先进的高效节能解决方案,包括:道路、办公室、工业、娱乐和家居照明等。在构筑未来的新型照明的应用和技术使用上,飞利浦也位居领导地位,例如LED技术,除了高效节能外,它还具备更多的优越性,以及提供无数全新的、史无前例的照明解决方案。主要产品:氙汽车灯、CosmoPolis(道路照明)、Living Colors(氛围照明)。优质生活遵循‘精于心简于形’的品牌承诺,并基于对消费者的洞察,飞利浦优质生活提供丰富的、全新的消费者体验,来满足消费者对放松身心和改善情绪的渴求。我们通过关注人们在 “环境 ”、“情绪”、“身体”和“外表”四个方面的个性化需求,来实现消费者对于个人健康舒适的愿望。主要产品:榨汁机、施华洛士奇水晶镶嵌耳机、Aurea流光溢彩电视、回音壁家庭影院系统、晨醒灯、睿锋剃须刀、一键式expresso咖啡机。可持续发展可持续发展是飞利浦长期坚持的信念,并已深深嵌入公司的发展策略、业务模式、经营管理和产品开发等方面。飞利浦可持续发展包括“经济责任”、“环境责任”、和“社会责任”三大方面。在经济责任方面,公司通过可持续的运营创造价值,为社会整体可持续发展作贡献,这是实现其他两个责任的基础。环境责任,就是将对环境保护的考虑贯彻到开发、生产和使用产品的每一个环节中,从而将运营中对环境造成的影响降到最低。社会责任指的是企业积极开展各种社会公益活动,以“双赢”为宗旨,谋求与所处社区之间的良性互动和共同持久的发展,飞利浦的重心放在医疗保健、教育和环境方面。公司的成长品牌在《商业周刊》公布的全球最具价值百强品牌排名中, 飞利浦的品牌价值增长最为显著, 其排名从2004年的65位上升至2007年的42位,品牌价值增长75%,达到77亿美元。创新在《商业周刊》的世界创新企业排名中,飞利浦从2006年的67位跃居2007年的38位。可持续发展日前公布的《2007年道琼斯可持续发展指数》中,飞利浦在个人和家庭产品领域中再次位居前列,且其环保业绩表现的排名连续四年均有所提升。* 关注飞利浦更多信息,请登录: 或 公司网站:飞利浦(中国)投资有限公司 Philips (China) Investment Co.,Ltd.查看公司简介>>粉丝团(1988)取消关注公司行业: 多元化业务集团公司公司性质: 外资(欧美)公司规模: 500人以上比比你的竞争力Lighting 飞利浦照明事业部Lighting照明作为全球照明的领先者,飞利浦正在努力推动整个社会向高效节能解决方案的转换。由于照明占用全球电力消耗的19%,因此高效节能照明的使用将大大地减少世界范围的能源消耗,并且降低有害的二氧化碳的排放。飞利浦为所有领域提供先进的高效节能解决方案,包括:道路、办公室、工业、娱乐和家居照明等。在构筑未来的新型照明的应用和技术使用上,飞利浦也位居领导地位,例如LED技术,除了高效节能外,它还具备更多的优越性,以及提供无数全新的、史无前例的照明解决方案。主要产品:氙汽车灯、CosmoPolis(道路照明)、Living Colors(氛围照明)。As the world's leader in Lighting, Philips is driving the switch to energy-efficient solutions. With worldwide electrical lighting using 19 per cent of all electricity, the use of energy-efficient lighting will significantly reduce energy consumption around the world and thereby cut harmful CO2 emissions. Philips provides advanced energy-efficient solutions for all segments: road lighting, office & industrial, hospitality and home. Philips is also a leader in shaping the future with exciting new lighting applications and technologies such as LED technology, which, besides energy efficiency, provides attractive benefits and endless new 'never-before-possible' lighting solutions.Some product highlights: Xenon car lighting, CosmoPolis street lighting, Living Colors ambience lighting发布日期:2011-09-01工作地点:上海招聘人数:若干职位职能:业务拓展主管/经理职位描述:Key areas of Responsibility- Defines, in ‘Trio-team’ context the category strategy,- Determines the attractiveness of identified business ideas and develop compelling business cases, in order to get qualification by management andthe necessary budget for further development into a business plan.- Develops the final business plan, including the implementation (project scope, content, deliverables, milestones, budget), such that management isable to decide on the project and the financial risks.- Owns and manages the first-step-implementation of the final approved business plan, by assembling a project team for the initial phase, plan andorganize the project, lead the project team until the agreed milestone has been reached.- Ensures that the Business Creation Process (BCP) is aligned with the category strategy and tacticsProfile:- Influential leadership skills; manage a (matrix) organization in reaching results, create organizational commitment for New Business propositions and new Ways of Working- Capable of creating a business case, including the required market & financial analyses.- Effectively communicates to numerous audiences, including suppliers, senior management, CSSG, other Business Groups, internal and external customers and staff.Lighting - Sr.Sales Manager - Beijing - 72197飞利浦(中国)投资有限公司 Philips (China) Investment Co.,Ltd.查看公司简介>>粉丝团(1988)取消关注公司行业: 多元化业务集团公司公司性质: 外资(欧美)公司规模: 500人以上比比你的竞争力Lighting 飞利浦照明事业部Lighting照明作为全球照明的领先者,飞利浦正在努力推动整个社会向高效节能解决方案的转换。由于照明占用全球电力消耗的19%,因此高效节能照明的使用将大大地减少世界范围的能源消耗,并且降低有害的二氧化碳的排放。飞利浦为所有领域提供先进的高效节能解决方案,包括:道路、办公室、工业、娱乐和家居照明等。在构筑未来的新型照明的应用和技术使用上,飞利浦也位居领导地位,例如LED技术,除了高效节能外,它还具备更多的优越性,以及提供无数全新的、史无前例的照明解决方案。主要产品:氙汽车灯、CosmoPolis(道路照明)、Living Colors(氛围照明)。As the world's leader in Lighting, Philips is driving the switch to energy-efficient solutions. With worldwide electrical lighting using 19 per cent of all electricity, the use of energy-efficient lighting will significantly reduce energy consumption around the world and thereby cut harmful CO2 emissions. Philips provides advanced energy-efficient solutions for all segments: road lighting, office & industrial, hospitality and home. Philips is also a leader in shaping the future with exciting new lighting applications and technologies such as LED technology, which, besides energy efficiency, provides attractive benefits and endless new 'never-before-possible' lighting solutions.Some product highlights: Xenon car lighting, CosmoPolis street lighting, Living Colors ambience lighting发布日期:2011-09-01工作地点:北京招聘人数:若干工作年限:三年以上语言要求:英语 熟练普通话 熟练学 历:本科职位职能:销售经理职位描述:Organization Description:Philips Lighting is the global market leader in the lighting industry, with recognized expertise in the development, manufacturing and application of innovative lighting solutions. We offer our expertise, depth and reach across the entire lighting value chain to improve and simplify the work of our professional partners wherever our knowledge and reach can create value for them. From LED light sources to the increased role of controls to all-inclusive tailor-made solutions. Our approach is to observe and listen to people—our customers, consumers and stakeholders- to ensure that what we do every day addresses their real needs and aspirations in life. Together with architects, lighting designers, city planners, public authorities, and even with consumers in their homes, Philips Lighting seeks to simply enhance people’s lives with light.Your Responsibilities:? Develop sales strategies and implement effective sales approaches to achieve the sales target;? Manage and drive distributor to ensure sales objectives are achieved;? Drive design funnel activity to exceed the plan ;? Account management for focus and major accounts;? Develop and grow in General Lighting and Automotive segment;? Collect market information and support marketing activitiesYour Profile:? Degree holder or above in Electronics Engineering or related discipline;? 3-5 years sales experience of LED or Semiconductors products;? Experience with Demand Creation;? Proficiency in both written and spoken English & Mandarin* Contacts:China Recruitment TeamConsumer Lifestyle - 市场管理经理 - Beijing - 73457飞利浦(中国)投资有限公司 Philips (China) Investment Co.,Ltd.查看公司简介>>粉丝团(1988)取消关注公司行业: 多元化业务集团公司公司性质: 外资(欧美)公司规模: 500人以上比比你的竞争力Consumer Lifestyle 飞利浦优质生活事业部Consumer Lifestyle优质生活遵循‘精于心简于形’的品牌承诺,并基于对消费者的洞察,飞利浦优质生活提供丰富的、全新的消费者体验,来满足消费者对放松身心和改善情绪的渴求。我们通过关注人们在 “环境 ”、“情绪”、“身体”和“外表”四个方面的个性化需求,来实现消费者对于个人健康舒适的愿望。主要产品:榨汁机、施华洛士奇水晶镶嵌耳机、Aurea流光溢彩电视、回音壁家庭影院系统、晨醒灯、睿锋剃须刀、一键式expresso咖啡机。Guided by our brand promise of "sense and simplicity" and starting from our consumer insights, Philips Consumer Lifestyle offers rich, new consumer experiences that meet consumers'desire for relaxation and improving their state of mind. We address the consumer's desire for wellness and pleasure, and we've mapped this approach by looking at the individual's interests in terms of their Space, their Mind, their Body, and their Appearance.Some product highlights: Aureaambilight television, Wake-up Light, Arcitec shaver, Swarovski encrusted headphones, Sonicare toothbrush.发布日期:2011-09-01工作地点:北京招聘人数:若干工作年限:三年以上学 历:本科职位职能:市场/营销/拓展经理职位描述:Organization Description:"Philips Consumer Lifestyle is one of three market-driven sectors within Royal Philips Electronics, delivering lifestyle solutions for personal well-being. Our brand promise is sense and simplicity, meaning that our products are designed around the consumer, advanced and easy to experience. The sector builds on a deep understanding of people’s needs and aspirations to create innovations that help consumers achieve their lifestyle ambitions.We operate in the following businesses:- Television – experience and lifestyle television- Personal Care – electric shavers, female depilation appliances, haircare and male grooming products, vitality solutions and skincare- Audio, Video & Multimedia – home and portable audio and video entertainment, including Blu-ray Disc players/recorders and docking stations for portable entertainment devices- Domestic Appliances – kitchen appliances, floor care, garment care, water and air purifiers, and beverage appliances- Health & Wellness – oral healthcare, mother and childcare, and relationship care- Accessories – including headphones, portable audio accessories, remote controls, PC peripherals, digital picture frames, and audio and video communications.Philips Consumer Lifestyle’s headquarters is in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We have a highly international workforce of approximately 18,500 employees spread over 50 countries. "Your Responsibilities:1. To achieve sales turnover of responsible area2. To execute market plans in responsible areas3. To manage distributors in assigned areas and achieve monthly sales forecast accuracy4. To build good business relationship with distributors and retailers5. To analyze sales potential of counters and outlets in the responsible area6. To execute effective promotion campaigns and market events and collect sales data and market information for analysis7. To coach and train promoter supervisor and promoter team to improve their work quality and build up a highly efficient team8. To assist on business progress review in the responsible area9. To assist on business planning in the responsible area10. To prepare various report11. To regularly evaluate distributors and suppliersYour Profile:1. University graduated2. 3-5 years experiences in business, area sales or market management,3. Good operation of MS Office software(Excel, Word and Powerpoint)4. Good communication skills, good team player* Contacts:China Recruitment Team