羞答答的玫瑰,羞答答的你! 羞答答的玫瑰歌曲

  Get a mate to read you the following story. Choose the answers that first come into your mind. Then read on to discover how to boost your confidence. Find out what triggers your confidence crises, then work on that bit of your life. Simple! 选个同伴一起做以下的题目,不要思考,用第一反应做出判断。得出结论后,阅读我们的信心攻略,我们有信心让你不再是朵羞答答的玫瑰,o(∩_∩)o.
  Take the quiz:
  1. You’re at home chatting away on the phone to your best mate, trying to decide which outfit to wear for the party of the year―which is tonight! Are you sitting...
   A. On a squishy, luxurious and mega-comfy sofa.
   B. On a very plain, “nothing special” type of chair.
   C. On a battered old stool, in the corner of the room.
  2. Hanging up, you catch a whiff of your feet and head to the bathroom for a good old scrub. Once you’ve locked the door, you...
   A. Run a long hot bath with bubbles and candles.
   B. Have a quick shower to wash away the pongs of the day.
   C. Just splash cold water on your face and squirt some deodorant under your pits.
  3. Cleansing over, you wander to your bedroom to choose the ultimate party outfit. After trying on a trillion things you pick...
   A. A mega sparkly show-all party dress Paris Hilton would be proud of.
   B. Some skinny jeans and a long vest top with waist-cincher belt.
   C. Comfy baggy boy jeans, converse and a hoodie.
  4. With your hair done and shiny lip-gloss on, you head out to meet your best mate. On the way to her house, you bump into...
   A. A friendly dog, which bounds up to sniff you.
   B. A mysterious looking cat, which slinks around your ankles and then slowly strolls away.
   C. An irritating buzzing wasp that really wants to sting you.
  5. You and your mate are walking towards the party, listening to the music blaring out. But what kind of venue are you approaching?
   A. A cool and bright building with neon signs.
   B. A small familiar house with loads of homemade decorations outside.
   C. A dark underground hangout with scary doormen.