刘德华的毒瘾 [我美丽的儿子:以父爱的名义战胜毒瘾沉溺]

  [abstract]提要   从小学起,尼科的生活似乎总是一帆风顺。他不仅聪明伶俐,热衷运动,而且事事都表现出色。这样的人注定会拥有成功的人生。然而,当生气勃勃的童年时代结束,转而进入焦躁不安的青少年时代,这个性格早熟的男孩却选择了一条完全不同的生活道路:他很快沉溺于毒品和酗酒的快感之中。本书透过父亲戴维的视角,记录了爱子尼科陷入毒瘾之后,所带来的种种充满背叛、痛苦和恐惧的难题。面对此事,许多人选择了隐忍和沉默,但戴维•西佛却选择揭开伤口,告诫人们毒瘾是一种必须要治愈的顽疾。更为重要的是,他的经历将给那些身处同样困境的人们一种信念,那就是希望。
  At midnight, the storm that has been building finally hits. There’s a hard rain, and intermittent volleys of hailstones pelt down like machine-gun fire on the copper roof tiles. We rarely have electrical storms, but tonight the sky lights up like popping flashbulbs.
  Between thunderclaps, I hear the creaking of tree branches. I also hear Nic padding along the hallway, making tea in the kitchen, quietly strumming his guitar and playing Bjrk, Bollywood soundtracks, and Tom Waits, who sings his sensible advice: “Never drive a car when you’re dead.” I worry about Nic’s insomnia but push away my suspicions, reminding myself how far he has come since the previous school year, when he dropped out of Berkeley. This time, he went east to college and completed his freshman year. Given what we have been through, this feels miraculous. By my count, he is coming up on his one hundred and fiftieth day without methamphetamine.
  In the morning the storm has passed, and the sun shimmers on the wet maple leaves. I dress and join Karen and the little kids in the kitchen. Nic, wearing flannel pajama bottoms, a fraying wool sweater, and x-ray specs, shuffles in. He hovers over the kitchen counter, fussing with the espresso maker, filling it with water and coffee and setting it on a flame, and then sits down to a bowl of cereal with Jasper and Daisy.
  “Daisy,” he says. “Your hose attack was brilliant, but I’m going to have to repay you for it. Watch your back.”
  She cranes her neck. “I can’t see it.”
  Nic says, “I love you, you wacko.”
  Soon after Daisy and Jasper leave for school, ...
  “Those of us who love an addict―or are addicts ourselves―will find BEAUTIFUL BOY a revelation.”
  ―Martin Sheen, actor