保加利亚裔美国人 [中国人VS亚裔美国人]

  隆重推荐    胡凡同学4岁随父母来到美国, 在这新奇而又陌生的异国他乡, 她度过了幼儿园、小学、初中, 直至将要告别的高中。在这期间, 她由一个紧张、害怕、困惑的小女孩, 成长为一位渐渐被接受, 直至现在真正融入到美国社会的高中生。无论在学业方面还是在社会活动方面, 胡凡同学都做得非常出色。同时她坚持不懈地参加当地的中文学校的学习达10年之久。本书是胡凡同学在各种场合下纪实性和评论性的论文集,集中反映了一个中国出生在美国成长的高中生的所见所闻, 所思所想。
   本书收录了她在面对中美两国文化冲突时产生的困惑和思考, 她在美国养老院做义工(志愿者)的各种经历, 有她参加各类演讲比赛得失的感想, 更有她参加国际组织董事会的亲身体验。另外, 本书还包括了她有幸入选为当地一个有30年历史的嘉年会的“皇家公主”的生活点滴。本刊从本期开始独家转载她的文章,感兴趣的读者可以通过我们同她进行交流。邮箱:chuwu_zhang@126.com
  A little girl was standing in a swarm of elementary school kids trying desperately not to draw attention to herself and trying to fit in. Fitting in is a state of mind that every single person goes through, because fitting in means that you are normal and that you are accepted. However, as I grew older, I threw the goal of fitting in out the window. To me, it became no longer important to fit my Asian face into the sea of Caucasian faces I see every day. It became a thrill to be different and unique, and I flaunted my Chinese culture rather than hid it. To me, being Chinese American means embracing both sides of my culture and being confident about maybe not fitting in with either side.
  Fitting in becomes an almost impossible task for a Chinese American among either Chinese or American people. We’re too Chinese to be a typical American, but too Americanized to be typically Chinese. In America, Chinese Americans are different based on physical looks alone with our black hair and dark eyes. Stereotypes do not help the situation either. In elementary school, I was the quiet, smart, Asian girl. In high school, I am an enthusiastic member of my school’s Forensics team, which is a mixture of competitive public speaking and acting. I placed 1st in the Hampton Roads region and 6th in the state, which surprised some people at school who thought Chinese people were supposed to be shy and quiet. Just because of the stereotypes, Chinese Americans are barred from fitting in entirely with Americans. In addition to stereotypes, lifestyle differences, moral differences, and language differences all contribute to create a clear distinction between Chinese Americans and Americans. My mom cooks rice and Chinese dishes at home, while my friends’ moms cook hamburgers. My parents are strict about my academic standings while my friends’ parents celebrate when they get “B’s”. I speak Mandarin with my parents and relatives while my friends only know English. Often, just from everyday conversations, I can feel the acute differences between my friends and me.
  Having occasionally felt somewhat separated from American society, I looked forward to vacationing in China for the summer with my family. I dreamed of being in a community where, for once, I was not the minority. But I was in for a big surprise. I discovered that I was an outsider in China as well. Although physically, I looked similar to other Chinese people, yet the way we dressed and carried ourselves were different. I had thought that the numerous differences between my American friends and me were too large to bridge, but now I discovered that the differences between Chinese kids and me were even larger. I realized that the Chinese American me cannot fully blend into either American or Chinese society. However, my refusal to fit in, although it may sound disheartening, may be more of an advantage than a disadvantage to me.
本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文   My unique Chinese American identity allows me to experience both cultures and be able to incorporate them both into my life. It is an opportunity, not a hindrance. It is a blessing, not a curse. Few people have this kind of a chance to become fluent in two radically different cultures. When I was nine years old, I enrolled in the Tidewater Chinese School. For eight years, I have been actively involved in Chinese School, first as a student and now as a student teacher. Along the way, I have witnessed numerous kids drop out of Chinese School because to them it is an embarrassment to be Chinese. Many Chinese American kids claim that they are solely American and try to create as big of a gap as they can between themselves and anything pertaining to being Chinese. They feel that they have to make a choice between Chinese and American, but that is not so. It is perfectly attainable to have both. I can proudly say to anyone who asks me that I am a Chinese American. I do not think I have to make a choice between Chinese and American, because they are both a part of me. It is something special because I get the best of both worlds. To have to pick one over the other is equivalent to cutting out a part of myself.
  Being a Chinese American means proudly displaying my unique mix of cultures for all to see. The mix of cultures easily creates an identity crisis for Chinese Americans, which is a large obstacle to cross. Many people may try to erase their Chinese heritage to assimilate into American society, while others may seclude themselves from the American world. I struggle every day with establishing my identity, but I know that my ultimate goal is to mesh the two worlds together because they have both influenced who I am. I am a Chinese American. (责编:张楚武)
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