【小树叶贺卡(A leaf Card)】小树叶贺卡教案

  New year was coming. Big Lion had sent greeting card(*问候卡,我们曾经学过Teachers’ card和Christmas Card) to nearly all his friends. When it was the turn of Little Cat, Big Lion was puzzled(*我们学过puzzle表示拼图,此处解释为迷惑) about what to give Little Cat who was his best friend.
  Big Lion thought(*think的过去式) over and over. Suddenly, he caught the sight of the ginkgo tree(*银杏树) in front of his door. Big Lion planted the tree by himself and it had already been a big one. “I’ve got it! A leaf(*树叶) of the ginkgo tree will be ok,” said Big Lion. “There happens to be one leaf left on the tree.”
  “A leaf card ! How interesting it is!”
  At this moment, Big Lion ran to the yard, embraced(*拥抱) the tree and shook(*摇晃) it very very hard. Slowly the leaf began to fly and fell to the ground at last.
  Then Big Lion picked up the leaf, put it in an envelope(*信封,这个词我们这个学期会学到哦) and sent it to Little Cat.
  Little Cat and Big Lion used to be neighbors(*邻居). Later, Little Cat moved far away and had never met Big Lion again. Today Little Cat was fairly happy to receive the card from Big Lion.
  However, when Little Cat’s son saw the leaf, he said, “ An unworthy(*不值钱的) leaf! What a present it is!” With these words, he was going to throw it away.
  Little Cat hurried to say, “Don’t throw it away!”
  Indeed, the leaf was dry, yellow and part of it was even broken(*破了). However, Little Cat looked at the leaf in his hand as if it were a piece of treasure(*宝贝).
  Right then, a wind was blowing and the leaf was puffed(*吹) into the flower pot on the windowsill(*窗台,同学们,你们找到这个词中你认识的单词了吗?). How strange it was! The leaf pierced into(*戳入) the earth at once and grew into a small ginkgo tree in no time.
  An old crow(*乌鸦) was passing by the window. He said to himself, “ It must be a fairy tree.” So he asked Little Cat to sell the tree to him.
  Little Cat replied quickly, “No! I won’t sell it!”
  Soon the pot was not big enough for the tree to grow in, so Little Cat moved it into the yard. The tree grew(*生长,grow的过去式) faster and faster and it became a very big ginkgo tree in a short while.
  What is stranger is that the leaves never fall off the tree. As the wind blows, the leaves will plink(*发出叮声) as if they are saying something. What are they saying? You do not know. Neither do I. Only Little Cat knows.(傅淑琴/供稿)